The coming

The novel by Andrej Nikolaidis, “The coming”, makes a deeper thematic through dimension of Bible, which appears in the title and extends everywhere in the subtext of the novel, in a part whose father confession, and the rest of confession of the son, abandoned and insane. Apocalypse alluded to often during confession, can be understood as divine revelation and as the end of the false world, which can be destroyed once they discovered the perpetrators, or just to unveil the truth, which, as stated in last chapter, only to the priest should say, because if made public, would be devastating: "The truth is a comet striking to the Earth, billow that inundated coastlines, bomb that endangers the mound. Just a bit of truth and this world will become impossible". Translated by original: Hajro Ulqinaku

Author: Andrej Nikolaidis

Title: The coming

Pages: 136

Year: 2016

Price: 5 €